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Winery Glycol Chiller

Winery Chillers commonly use Propylene Glycol USP to maintain proper operation at lower freeze points. The items you must consider prior to order Propylene Glycol USP are:
  • Do you require a corrosion inhibitor? If you have extensive iron or copper and desire to minimize corrosion rates, you need a food grade USP grade Propylene Glycol. ChemWorld offers you two options. Propylene Glycol USP and Dowfrost, or any USP grade corrosion inhibited Propylene Glycol solution. These products can be ordered in concentrated (96% Solutions or in premixed solutions). If you do not need a corrosion inhibitor or you have an all stainless steel operation, straight Propylene Glycol USP is sufficient
  • What temperature do you require your system to drop to? Wineries typically know the temperature range they require their solution to be protected to. If you do not, check with your manufacturer or your processing engineer. Typically, we find wineries to run between 20 to 40% solutions of Propylene Glycol solutions.
  • Do you want premixed Glycol or do you have good city water onsite to mix it your self? Purchasing concentrated Glycol is the cheapest way. Diluted Propylene Glycol means you are paying for water to be mixed into the solution and you are paying on additional freight to move water. If you have water that is below 120 ppm in hardness you can this water to mix your Propylene Glycol Solution. Deionized water or distilled water will also work.
  • Is bacteria development in your Propylene Glycol solution a concern? If so, maintain your solution above 40%. A 40% Propylene Glycol solution will minimize bacteria development in your process glycol solution.

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Dowfrost Bulk Dowfrost 4x55 Gallons PG USP - 55 Gallons
Dowfrost Propylene Glycol (96%) - 275 Gallons
Our Price: $7,499.95
Sale Price: $6,999.99
Savings: $499.96
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Dowfrost Propylene Glycol (96%) - 4x55 Gallons
Our Price: $6,299.99
Sale Price: $5,699.99
Savings: $600.00
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Propylene Glycol USP 99.9% - 4x55 Gallons
Our Price: $5,499.99
Sale Price: $4,899.99
Savings: $600.00
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DowfrostTM Glycol (96%) - 275 Gallons DowfrostTM Glycol (96%) - 4x55 Gallons Propylene Glycol USP - 4x55 Gallons
95% Corrosion Inhibited Propylene Glycol - 4x55 Gallon Drums 55 Gallons Dowfrost ChemWorld Inhibited Propylene Glycol
Inhibited Propylene Glycol (95%) - 4x55 Gallons
Our Price: $5,499.99
Sale Price: $4,899.99
Savings: $600.00
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Dowfrost Propylene Glycol (96%) - 55 Gallons
Our Price: $1,799.99
Sale Price: $1,499.99
Savings: $300.00
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Inhibited Propylene Glycol (95%) - 55 Gallons
Our Price: $1,599.99
Sale Price: $1,399.99
Savings: $200.00
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Inhibited Propylene Glycol (95%) - 4x55 Gallons DowfrostTM Glycol (96%) - 55 Gallons Inhibited Propylene Glycol (95%) - 55 Gallons
PG USP Drums ChemWorld Inhibited Propylene Glycol
Propylene Glycol USP 99.9% - 55 Gallons
Our Price: $1,599.99
Sale Price: $1,349.99
Savings: $250.00
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Inhibited Propylene Glycol (95%) - 5 Gallons
Our Price: $249.99
Sale Price: $189.99
Savings: $60.00
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Propylene Glycol USP (99.9%) - 55 Gallons Inhibited Propylene Glycol (95%) - 5 Gallons