Taylor K-9105 ChemWorld is a distributor of Taylor Technologies Test Kits and Reagents. Order directly online and save today.DROP TEST CHLORIDE (1 drop = 2, 10, or 100 ppm)
1 x 4078 Pipet, Graduated, 3 mL (0.5 mL div.), plastic
1 x 5021 Instruction
1 x 9198 Sample Tube, Graduated, 25 mL, plastic w/cap
1 x R-0630 Chromate Indicator, DB
1 x R-0638 Phenolphthalein Indicator, DB
1 x R-0686 Sulfuric Acid N, DB
1 x R-0807 Silver Nitrate Reagent, DB
NOTE: When sulfite content of sample water to be tested
exceeds 10 ppm, the sulfite should be oxidized to
prevent interference in test. A 25 mL water sample
is first adjusted to the appropriate pH, then 1 mL
(or 24 drops) of R-0649 3% Hydrogen Peroxide Solution
(sold separately) is added and thoroughly mixed.
Continue with the rest of the procedure.
1. Select sample size.
Desired Equivalence Sample Size
1 drop = 2 ppm 25 mL
1 drop = 10 ppm 5 mL
1 drop = 100 ppm 0.5 mL
2. Using a 3 mL pipet (#4078) or a 25 mL sample tube (#9198),
add desired sample size (Step 1) to 25 mL sample tube. If
necessary, dilute 0.5 or 5 mL sample to 10 mL mark with
distilled, deionized, or chloride-free water.
3. Add 2 drops R-0638 Phenolphthalein Indicator. Swirl to
mix. If sample turns red, add R-0686 Sulfuric Acid N
dropwise, swirling after each drop, until color changes from
red to colorless.
4. Add 5 drops R-0630 Chromate Indicator. Swirl to mix. Sample
should turn yellow.
5. Add R-0807 Silver Nitrate Reagent dropwise, swirling and
counting after each drop, until color changes from yellow
to a milky salmon (brick) red. Always hold bottle in vertical
NOTE: Do not add enough R-0807 Silver Nitrate Reagent to give
a brown color. First change from yellow to a milky salmon
(brick) red is the endpoint.
6. Multiply drops of R-0807 Silver Nitrate Reagent by desired
equivalence factor (Step 1). Record as parts per million
(ppm) chloride.
DROP TEST SODIUM NITRITE (1 drop = 50 ppm)
1 x 4026 Dipper, 2 g, plastic, large
1 x 4086 Stirring Rod, 5", plastic
1 x 5045 Instruction
1 x 9010 Pipet, Calibrated 0.5 & 1.0 mL, plastic
w/red cap
1 x 9198R Sample Tube, Graduated, 25 mL, plastic
w/cap and red dot
1 x R-0733-C Permanganate Reagent, 2 oz
1 x R-0781-II Acid Sulfate, 50 g 1. Rinse and fill 25 mL sample tube (#9198R) to 25 mL
mark with water to be tested.
2. Using a large dipper (#4026), add 1 dipper R-0781
Acid Sulfate. Stir with rod (#4086) to dissolve.
3. Using a 1.0 mL pipet (#9010), add R-0733
Permanganate Reagent dropwise, swirling and
counting after each drop, until color changes from
colorless to a faint but permanent pink, which
persists for at least 1 minute. Always hold pipet
in vertical position.
4. Multiply drops of R-0733 Permanganate Reagent by
50. Record as parts per million (ppm) sodium
NOTE: For results as nitrite, multiply sodium nitrite
concentration by 0.67.
1 x 5051 Instruction
1 x 9198P Sample Tube, Graduated, 25 mL, plastic w/cap
and purple dot
1 x 9315 Test Paper, pH, 1.8-3.8
1 x R-0686P-C Sulfuric Acid N (purple cap), 2 oz, DB
1 x R-0697-C Thiosulfate N/10, 2 oz, DB
1 x R-0802P-I XO Indicator Powder, 10 g
1 x R-0803-C Phosphonate Titrating Solution, 2 oz, DB
1 x R-0805-C Fluoride Masking Agent, 2 oz, DB NOTE: Iron can cause negative interference at a level greater
than 5 ppm.
Orthophosphate and polyphosphate can cause
positive interference at all levels.
NOTE: Run a blank using tap water. Normal blank
requires about 2 drops of R-0803 Phosphonate Titrating
Solution to reach endpoint.
1. Rinse and fill 25 mL sample tube (#9198P) to 25 mL
mark with water to be tested.
2. Add:
1 drop R-0697 Thiosulfate N/10
10 drops R-0805 Fluoride Masking Agent
1 level dipper R-0802P XO Indicator Powder
Swirl to mix.
3. Adjust pH between 2.6 and 3.0:
Add 1 drop R-0686P Sulfuric Acid N. Swirl to mix.
Dip test paper (#9315) into sample, in direction of
arrow, for 3 seconds, with all color zones immersed.
Match indicator zone (unnumbered square between 2.7
and 3.0 color standards) with color scale. Read printed
pH value. If necessary, continue adding R-0686P Sulfuric
Acid N dropwise, swirling and checking pH with a new test
paper after each drop, until a pH between 2.6 and 3.0 is
obtained. Sample should be yellow.
4. Add R-0803 Phosphonate Titrating Solution dropwise,
swirling and counting after each drop, until color changes
from yellow to purple-pink. Always hold bottle in
vertical position.
5. Subtract drops of R-0803 Phosphonate Titrating Solution in
blank from drops in sample (Step 4). Multiply
by appropriate conversion factor (see CONVERSION FACTORS).
Record as parts per million (ppm) phosphonate.
9350 (10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 80, 100 ppm)
R-0601 Molybdate Reagent*
R-0602P Stannous Chloride Powder
4 x 2269 Caps, 18 mm Dispenser, plastic
1 x 5122 Instruction
1 x 6003 Brush, Test Tube
1 x 9021 Test Tube, Mixing, Calibrated 5, 10, 14, 15,
17.5 mL, glass w/stopper
1. Filter water to be tested to clarify (see Instruction
#5860 or #5861).
2. Rinse and fill mixing test tube (#9021) to 5 mL
mark with filtered sample.
3. Cap R-0601 Molybdate Reagent* with dispenser cap
(#2269). Add R-0601 Molybdate Reagent* to 15 mL
mark. Stopper and mix. Remove stopper.
4. Add 2 level dippers R-0602P Stannous Chloride
Powder. Stopper and mix.
5. Wipe dry and place in comparator. WAIT 1 MINUTE. Read
before 10 minutes.
6. Match color in test tube with a color standard.
Record as parts per million (ppm) orthophosphate.
*WARNING: Molybdate Reagent (R-0601) contains 8.1%
sulfuric acid, a corrosive acid.
9049 (0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 3.0 ppm)
R-0860 Copper Reagent #1*
R-0861 Copper Reagent #2**
1 x 3243 Cap, Test Cell, 11.5 mL, rectangular, plastic
1 x 4024 Test Cell, Calibrated 11.5 mL, plastic
2 x 4030 Pipets, Calibrated 0.5 & 1.0 mL, plastic w/cap
1 x 5128 Instruction
1 x 6002 Brush, Cell Cleaner. 1. Rinse and fill 11.5 mL test cell (#4024) to 11.5 mL
mark with water to be tested.
2. Using a 1.0 mL pipet (#4030), add 0.5 mL R-0860
Copper Reagent #1*. Cap and mix.
3. Using a different 1.0 mL pipet, add 0.5 mL R-0861
Copper Reagent #2**. Cap and mix.
4. Wipe dry and place in comparator WITH FROSTED SIDE
5. Match color in test cell with a color standard.
Record as parts per million (ppm) copper. * WARNING: Copper Reagent #1 (R-0860) contains 4.4%
ammonium hydroxide, a corrosive alkali.
**WARNING: Copper Reagent #2 (R-0861) contains 44%
isopropanol (w/w), a flammable liquid.
9049 (0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 3.0 ppm)
R-0860 Copper Reagent #1*
R-0861 Copper Reagent #2**
1 x 3243 Cap, Test Cell, 11.5 mL, rectangular, plastic
1 x 4024 Test Cell, Calibrated 11.5 mL, plastic
2 x 4030 Pipets, Calibrated 0.5 & 1.0 mL, plastic w/cap
1 x 5128 Instruction
1 x 6002 Brush, Cell Cleaner. 1. Rinse and fill 11.5 mL test cell (#4024) to 11.5 mL
mark with water to be tested.
2. Using a 1.0 mL pipet (#4030), add 0.5 mL R-0860
Copper Reagent #1*. Cap and mix.
3. Using a different 1.0 mL pipet, add 0.5 mL R-0861
Copper Reagent #2**. Cap and mix.
4. Wipe dry and place in comparator WITH FROSTED SIDE
5. Match color in test cell with a color standard.
Record as parts per million (ppm) copper.
*WARNING: Copper Reagent #1 (R-0860) contains 4.4%
ammonium hydroxide, a corrosive alkali.
**WARNING: Copper Reagent #2 (R-0861) contains 44%
isopropanol (w/w), a flammable liquid.
9051 (0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0 ppm)
R-0851 Iron Reagent #1*
R-0852 Iron Reagent #2
1 x 3243 Cap, Test Cell, 11.5 mL, rectangular, plastic
1 x 4024 Test Cell, Calibrated 11.5 mL, plastic
2 x 4030 Pipets, Calibrated 0.5 & 1.0 mL, plastic w/cap
1 x 5129 Instruction
1 x 6002 Brush, Cell Cleaner. . Rinse and fill 11.5 mL test cell (#4024) to mark
with water to be tested.
2. Using a 1.0 mL pipet (#4030), add 0.5 mL R-0851
Iron Reagent #1*. Cap and mix. WAIT 2 MINUTES.
3. Using a different 1.0 mL pipet, add 1.0 mL R-0852
Iron Reagent #2. Cap and mix.
4. Wipe dry and place in comparator WITH FROSTED SIDE
5. Match color in test cell with a color standard.
Record as parts per million (ppm) iron.
*WARNING: Iron Reagent #1 (R-0851) contains 8.8%
hydrochloric acid, a corrosive acid.
This method is based on the formation of phosphomolybdic acid
which is subsequently reduced with stannous chloride to produce
a blue color whose intensity is proportional to the phosphate
(PO4) present. Interferences are reduced to a minimum. The
presence of 10,000 ppm of silica (SiO2), 100 ppm of ferrous or
ferric iron, or 1000 ppm of sulfite causes no error.
The water to be tested must be carefully filtered with a good
grade of filter paper to free it from sludge and scale. Mere
traces of sludge will cause serious errors.
If repeated filtration does not clarify the water, add 0.5 grams
potassium nitrate crystals to 25 mL of the sample water, heat to
boiling, cool, dilute to 25 mL with distilled water, and filter.
If the water is very highly colored by tannin or other highly
colored organic matter, so that a phosphate determination is
difficult or impossible, it can be effectively decolorized with
R-0727 Activated Charcoal. Add half a teaspoon of activated
charcoal to a pint container of the colored sample water. Close
the container and shake sample well. Decolorization should take
place in from 5 to 15 minutes. The treated sample is then
filtered as instructed above.
From this point on follow the procedure outlined in the
Orthophosphate or Polyphosphate tests.
DROP TEST P/M ALKALINITY (1 drop = 50 ppm)
1 x 5201 Instruction
1 x 9198 Sample Tube, Graduated, 25 mL, plastic
1 x R-0637 Methyl Orange Indicator, DB
1 x R-0638 Phenolphthalein Indicator, DB
1 x R-0736 Sulfuric Acid .6N, DBP/M Alkalinity
1. Rinse and fill 25 mL sample tube (#9198) to 25 mL
mark with water to be tested.
NOTE: For results in grains per gallon (gpg), fill to
14.6 mL mark.
2. Add 3 drops R-0638 Phenolphthalein Indicator.
Swirl to mix. If P alkalinity is present, sample will
turn pink, go to Step 3. If sample is colorless, no P
alkalinity is present, go to Step 4.
3. Add R-0736 Sulfuric Acid .6N dropwise, swirling and
counting after each drop, until color changes from pink
to colorless. Record number of drops as P reading.
Always hold bottle in vertical position.
4. Add 3 drops R-0637 Methyl Orange Indicator. Swirl
to mix. Sample should turn yellow.
5. Add R-0736 Sulfuric Acid .6N dropwise, swirling and
counting after each drop, until color changes from
yellow to orange (salmon pink). Record total number of
drops (Steps 3 and 5) as M reading. Always hold bottle
in vertical position.
6. Multiply P reading (Step 3) by 50. Record as parts per
million (ppm) P alkalinity as calcium carbonate. Multiply
M reading (Step 5) by 50. Record as ppm M alkalinity as
calcium carbonate. For 14.6 mL sample, multiply P reading
by 5. Record as grains per gallon (gpg) P alkalinity as
calcium carbonate. Multiply M reading by 5. Record as
gpg M alkalinity as calcium carbonate.
DROP TEST SODIUM SULFITE (1 drop = 10 ppm)
1 x 5203 Instruction
1 x 9198W Sample Tube, Graduated, 25 mL, plastic w/cap
and white dot
1 x R-0699-C Iodide Iodate Reagent, 2 oz, DB
1 x R-0638W-C Phenolphthalein Indicator (white cap),
2 oz, DB
1 x R-0725-I Acid Starch Indicator Powder, 10 g 1. Collect water to be tested in a clean, preferably
large-mouthed, bottle to overflowing. Immediately
cap and cool to room temperature.
2. Rinse and fill 25 mL sample tube (#9198W) to 25 mL
mark with cooled (room temperature) water to be tested.
NOTE: For results in grains per gallon (gpg), fill to
14.6 mL mark.
3. Add 1 drop R-0638W Phenolphthalein Indicator. Swirl
to mix. Sample should turn red.
4. Add R-0725 Acid Starch Indicator Powder, a dipper at
a time, swirling after each dipper, until color
changes from red to colorless. Add 2 more dippers.
Swirl until dissolved.
5. Add R-0699 Iodide Iodate Reagent dropwise, swirling
and counting after each drop, until color changes
from colorless to a faint but permanent blue.
Always hold bottle in vertical position.
6. Multiply drops of R-0699 Iodide Iodate Reagent by
10. Record as parts per million (ppm) sodium
sulfite. For 14.6 mL sample, record drops as
grains per gallon (gpg) sodium sulfite.
DROP TEST TRACE HARDNESS (1 drop = 0.5 ppm)
1 x 5226 Instruction
1 x 9198B Sample Tube, Graduated, 25 mL, plastic
w/cap and blue dot
1 x R-0620B-I Hardness Indicator Powder (blue dot), 10 g
1 x R-0622-C Trace Hardness Buffer, 2 oz, DB
1 x R-0623-C Trace Hardness Reagent, 2 oz, DB. 1. Rinse and fill 25 mL sample tube (#9198B) to 25 mL
mark with water to be tested.
2. Add 5 drops R-0622 Trace Hardness Buffer. Swirl to
3. Add 1 dipper R-0620B Hardness Indicator Powder.
Swirl to mix. If hardness is present, sample
will turn red, go to Step 4. If no hardness is present,
sample will turn blue.
4. Add R-0623 Trace Hardness Reagent dropwise,
swirling and counting after each drop, until color
changes from red to blue. Always hold bottle in
vertical position.
5. Multiply drops of R-0623 Trace Hardness Reagent by
0.5. Record as parts per million (ppm) hardness as
calcium carbonate.
DROP TEST TOTAL HARDNESS (1 drop = 10 or 50 ppm)
1 x 4078 Pipet, Graduated, 3 mL (0.5 mL div.), plastic
1 x 5227 Instruction
1 x 9198 Sample Tube, Graduated, 25 mL, plastic w/cap
1 x R-0619 Hardness Buffer, DB
1 x R-0620 Hardness Indicator Powder
1 x R-0683 Hardness Reagent, DB. 1. Select sample size.
Desired Equivalence Sample Size
1 drop = 10 ppm 25 mL
1 drop = 50 ppm 5 mL
2. Using a 3 mL pipet (#4078) or 25 mL sample tube (#9198),
add desired sample size (Step 1) to 25 mL sample tube. 3. Add 5 drops R-0619 Hardness Buffer. Swirl to mix.
4. Add 1 dipper R-0620 Hardness Indicator Powder. Swirl to
mix. If hardness is present, sample will turn red.
5. Add R-0683 Hardness Reagent dropwise, swirling and counting
after each drop, until color changes from red to blue.
Always hold bottle in vertical position.
6. Multiply drops of R-0683 Hardness Reagent by desired
equivalence factor (Step 1). Record as parts per million
(ppm) total hardness as calcium carbonate.
MIDGET COMPARATOR TEST SILICA (5-50, 25-250 or 50-500 ppm) MIDGET:
9257 (5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 40, 50 ppm)
1 x R-1305Q-II Silica Reagent #4, 50 g
1 x R-1305U-C Silica Reagent #3*, 2 oz
1 x R-1306T-C Silica Reagent #1**, 2 oz
1 x R-1306U-C Silica Reagent #2, 2 oz
1 x 3267 Cap, Test Cell, 5 mL, plastic
1 x 4005 Cylinder, Graduated, 50 mL (1 mL div.), glass
1 x 4025 Test Cell, Calibrated 5 mL, plastic
1 x 4026 Dipper, plastic, large
3 x 4030 Pipets, Calibrated 0.5 & 1.0 mL plastic
1 x 5321 Instruction
1 x 6002 Brush, Cell Cleaner
1 x 9198 Sample Tube, Graduated, 25 mL, plastic w/cap
For 5-50 ppm Silica
1. Rinse and fill 25 mL sample tube (#9198) to 25 mL
mark with water to be tested.
2. Using a 1.0 mL pipet (#4030), add 1.0 mL R-1306T
Silica Reagent #1**. Swirl to mix.
3. Using a separate 1.0 mL pipet, add 1.0 mL R-1306U
Silica Reagent #2. Swirl to mix. WAIT 5 MINUTES.
4. Using a separate 1.0 mL pipet, add 1.0 mL R-1305U
Silica Reagent #3*. Swirl to mix.
5. Using a large dipper (#4026), add 1 level dipper
R-1305Q Silica Reagent #4. Swirl until dissolved.
WAIT 1 MINUTE. Transfer to 5 mL test cell (#4025)
to 5 mL mark.
6. Wipe dry and place in comparator WITH FROSTED SIDE
7. Match color in test cell with a color standard.
Record as parts per million (ppm) silica.
For 5-250 ppm Silica
1. Rinse and fill 50 mL graduated cylinder (#4005) to
10 mL mark with water to be tested.
2. Dilute to 50 mL mark with distilled, deionized, or
silica-free water. Pour back and forth into 25 mL
sample tube (#9198) to mix. Transfer to 25 mL
sample tube to 25 mL mark.
3. Using a 1.0 mL pipet (#4030), add 1.0 mL R-1306T
Silica Reagent #1**. Swirl to mix.
4. Using a separate 1.0 mL pipet, add 1.0 mL R-1306U
Silica Reagent #2. Swirl to mix. WAIT 5 MINUTES.
5. Using a separate 1.0 mL pipet, add 1.0 mL R-1305U
Silica Reagent #3*. Swirl to mix.
6. Using a large dipper (#4026), add 1 level dipper
R-1305Q Silica Reagent #4. Swirl until dissolved.
WAIT 1 MINUTE. Transfer to 5 mL test cell (#4025)
to 5 mL mark.
7. Wipe dry and place in comparator WITH FROSTED SIDE
8. Match color in test cell with a color standard.
Multiply reading by 5. Record as parts per million
(ppm) silica.
For 5-500 ppm Silica
1. Rinse and fill 50 mL graduated cylinder (#4005) to
5 mL mark with water to be tested.
2. Dilute to 50 mL mark with distilled, deionized, or
silica-free water. Pour back and forth into 25
mL sample tube (#9198) to mix. Transfer to 25 mL
tube to 25 mL mark.
3. Using a 1.0 mL pipet (#4030), add 1.0 mL R-1306T
Silica Reagent #1**. Swirl to mix.
4. Using a separate 1.0 mL pipet, add 1.0 mL R-1306U
Silica Reagent #2. Swirl to mix. WAIT 5 MINUTES.
5. Using a separate 1.0 mL pipet, add 1.0 mL R-1305U
Silica Reagent #3*. Swirl to mix.
6. Using a large dipper (#4026), add 1 level dipper
R-1305Q Silica Reagent #4. Swirl until dissolved.
WAIT 1 MINUTE. Transfer to 5 mL test cell (#4025)
to 5 mL mark.
7. Wipe dry and place in comparator WITH FROSTED SIDE
8. Match color in test cell with a color standard.
Multiply reading by 10. Record as parts per
million (ppm) silica.
*WARNING: Silica Reagent #3 (R-1305U) contains 10%
oxalic acid, a poison.
**WARNING: Silica Reagent #1 (R-1306T) contains 14.7%
(w/v) hydrochloric acid, a corrosive acid.
DROP TEST MOLYBDENUM (1 drop = 2, 5, 20 or 50 ppm)
1 x 4029 Pipet, Calibrated 0.5 & 1.0 mL, plastic
2 x 4030 Pipets, Calibrated 0.5 & 1.0 mL, plastic
1 x 4078 Pipet, Graduated, 3 mL (0.5 mL div.),
1 x 5359 Instruction
3 x 9198 Sample Tubes, Graduated, 25 mL, plastic
1 x R-0890 Molybdenum Buffer Solution
1 x R-0892 Molybdenum Titrating Solution, DB
1 x R-0900 Molybdenum Indicator Powder
1 x R-0901 Molybdenum Indicator Solvent Molybdenum Indicator Solution Preparation:
For 1 drop = 2, 20, or 50 ppm Mo
Using a 1.0 mL pipet (#4030), add 2.5 mL R-0901 Molydenum
Indicator Solvent to a clean 25 mL sample tube. Add 5
level dippers R-0900 Molybdenum Indicator Powder. Swirl
until solution turns a clear, red-orange color.
Undissolved crystals will remain in the solvent-powder
For 1 drop = 5 ppm Mo
Using a 1.0 mL pipet (#4030), add 1.5 mL R-0901 Molydenum
Indicator Solvent to a clean 25 mL sample tube. Add 3
level dippers R-0900 Molybdenum Indicator Powder. Swirl
until solution turns a clear, red-orange color.
Undissovled crystals will remain in the solvent-powder
For 1 drop = 2 ppm Mo
1. Rinse and fill a clean 25 mL sample tube (#9198) to
25 mL mark with distilled, deionized, or
molybdenum-free tap water. This will be the blank.
2. Rinse and fill a second clean 25 mL sample tube to
25 mL mark with water to be tested.
3. Using a 1.0 mL pipet (#4030), add 1.0 mL R-0890
Molybdenum Buffer Solution to each 25 mL sample
tube. Swirl to mix.
4. Using a separate 1.0 mL pipet (#4029), add 1.0 mL
Molybdenum Indicator Solution (prepared above) to
each sample tube, transferring as few undissolved
crystals as possible. However, a few crystals that
may be transferred will not affect results. Swirl
to mix. The blank should turn peach and the sample
will turn red-orange to red if molybdenum is present.
5. Add R-0892 Molybdenum Titrating Solution, dropwise,
swirling and counting after each drop, to sample
tube containing water sample, until sample color
matches blank color, or until no further change in
color occurs. Always hold bottle in vertical position.
6. Multiply drops of R-0892 Molybdenum Titrating
Solution by 2. Record as parts per million (ppm)
NOTE: To convert molybdenum (Mo) readings to molybdate
(MoO4), multiply Mo readings by 1.7; to convert
to sodium molybdate dihydrate (Na2MoO4.2H2O),
multiply by 2.52.
For 1 drop = 5 ppm Mo
1. Rinse and fill a clean 25 mL sample tube (#9198) to
10 mL mark with distilled, deionized, or
molybdenum-free tap water. This will be the blank
2. Rinse and fill a second clean 25 mL sample tube to
10 mL mark with water to be tested.
3. Using a 1.0 mL pipet (#4030), add 0.5 mL R-0890
Molybdenum Buffer Solution to each 25 mL sample
tube. Swirl to mix.
4. Using a separate 1.0 mL pipet (#4029), add 0.5 mL
Molybdenum Indicator Solution (prepared above) to
each sample tube, transferring as few undissolved
crystals as possible. However, a few crystals that
may be transferred will not affect results. Swirl
to mix. The blank should turn peach and the sample
will turn red-orange to red if molybdenum is present.
5. Add R-0892 Molybdenum Titrating Solution, dropwise,
swirling and counting after each drop, to sample
tube containing water sample, until sample color
matches blank color, or until no further change in
color occurs. Always hold bottle in vertical position.
6. Multiply drops of R-0892 Molybdenum Titrating
Solution by 5. Record as parts per million (ppm)
NOTE: To convert molybdenum (Mo) readings to molybdate
(MoO4), multiply Mo readings by 1.7; to convert
to sodium molybdate dihydrate (Na2MoO4.2H2O),
multiply by 2.52.
February 24, 2025 by Anonymous C. (IN, United States)
Company Choice
Price was better than anyone else's
February 23, 2025 by Anonymous C. (MD, United States)
Company Choice
Great service!
February 21, 2025 by Anonymous C. (GA, United States)
Company Choice
they had what i needed
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