Taylor K-1615 ChemWorld is a distributor of Taylor Technologies Test Kits and Reagents. Order directly online and save today.DROP TEST CHLORINE BLEACH (1 drop = 0.05 or 0.5%)
1 x 4026 Dipper, 2 g plastic
1 x 4030 Pipet, Calibrated 0.5 & 1.0 mL, plastic
1 x 4078 Pipet, Graduated, 3 mL (0.5 mL div.),
1 x 5004 Instruction
1 x 9198 Sample Tube, Graduated, 25 mL, plastic
1 x R-0664 Bleach Reagent #1
1 x R-0665S Bleach Reagent #2
1 x R-0666 Bleach Reagent #3, DB.Working Bleach Solution (less than 5% chlorine)
1. Using a 3 mL pipet (#4078), add 5 mL (2 x 2.5 mL)
water to be tested to 25 mL sample tube (#9198).
Dilute to 10 mL mark with distilled, deionized, or
tap water. Swirl to mix.
2. Using a 1.0 mL pipet (#4030), add 1 dropperful (as
much as can be drawn up by means of the bulb)
R-0664 Bleach Reagent #1. Swirl to mix.
3. Using a 2 g dipper (#4026), add 1 level dipper
R-0665S Bleach Reagent #2. Swirl until dissolved.
Sample will turn brown if chlorine is present.
4. Add R-0666 Bleach Reagent #3 dropwise, swirling and
counting after each drop, until color changes from
brown to colorless. Always hold bottle in vertical
5. Multiply drops of R-0666 Bleach Reagent #3 by 0.05.
Record as percent (%) available chlorine.
Concentrated Bleach Solution (5% to 15% chlorine)
1. Using a 3 mL pipet (#4078), add 0.5 mL concentrated
bleach solution to 25 mL sample tube (#9198).
Dilute to 10 mL mark with distilled, deionized, or
tap water. Swirl to mix.
2. Using a 1.0 mL pipet (#4030), add 1 dropperful (as
much as can be drawn up by means of the bulb)
R-0664 Bleach Reagent #1. Swirl to mix.
3. Using a 2 g dipper (#4026), add 2 level dippers
R-0665S Bleach Reagent #2. Swirl until dissolved.
Sample will turn brown if chlorine is present.
4. Add R-0666 Bleach Reagent #3 dropwise, swirling and
counting after each drop, until color changes from
brown to colorless. Always hold bottle in vertical
5. Multiply drops of R-0666 Bleach Reagent #3 by 0.5.
Record as percent (%) available chlorine.
NOTE: In this test chlorine concentration is
determined as grams per 100 mL, which is
approximately equal to percent in weak
solutions. However, in concentrated solutions
the density may be as high as 1.3, in which case
15% as determined here would be 11.5% by weight.
DROP TEST P/T ALKALINITY (Laundry Washroom, 1 drop = 10 or 50 ppm)
1 x 5013 Instruction
1 x 9198G Sample Tube, Graduated, 25 mL, plastic
w/cap and green dot
1 x R-0638G-C Phenolphthalein Indicator (green cap), 2 oz, DB
1 x R-0645-C Total Alkalinity Indicator, 2 oz, DB
1 x R-0687G-C Sulfuric Acid .12N (green cap), 2 oz, DB
1 x R-0736G-C Sulfuric Acid .6N (green cap), 2 oz, DB.Water Supply & Rinses
1. Rinse and fill 25 mL sample tube (#9198G) to 25 mL
mark with water to be tested.
NOTE: For results in grains per gallon (gpg), fill to
14.6 mL mark.
2. Add 3 drops R-0638G Phenolphthalein Indicator.
Swirl to mix. Sample will turn pink if P
alkalinity is present--proceed to Step 3. If no
pink color, go to Step 4.
3. If pink, add R-0687G Sulfuric Acid .12N dropwise,
swirling and counting after each drop, until color
changes from pink to colorless. Always hold bottle
in vertical position. Record drops as P reading.
4. Add 5 drops R-0645 Total Alkalinity Indicator.
Swirl to mix. Sample should turn green.
5. Add R-0687G Sulfuric Acid .12N dropwise, swirling
and counting after each drop, until color changes
from green to red. Always hold bottle in vertical
position. Record total drops (Steps 3 & 5) as T
6. Multiply P reading by 10. Record as parts per
million (ppm) P alkalinity as calcium carbonate.
Multiply T reading by 10. Record as ppm T
alkalinity as calcium carbonate. For 14.6 mL
sample, record P reading as grains per gallon (gpg)
P alkalinity as calcium carbonate. Record T
reading as gpg T alkalinity as calcium carbonate.
Breaks & Suds
1. Rinse and fill 25 mL sample tube (#9198G) to 25 mL
mark with water to be tested.
NOTE: For results in grains per gallon (gpg), fill to
14.6 mL mark. 2. Add 3 drops R-0638G Phenolphthalein Indicator.
Swirl to mix. Sample will turn pink if P
alkalinity is present--proceed to Step 3. If no
pink color, go to Step 4.
3. If pink, add R-0736G Sulfuric Acid .6N dropwise,
swirling and counting after each drop, until color
changes from pink to colorless. Always hold bottle
in vertical position. Record drops as P reading.
4. Add 5 drops R-0645 Total Alkalinity Indicator.
Swirl to mix. Sample should turn green.
5. Add R-0736G Sulfuric Acid .6N dropwise, swirling and
counting after each drop, until color changes from
green to red. Always hold bottle in vertical
position. Record total drops (Steps 3 & 5) as T
6. Multiply P reading by 50. Record as parts per
million (ppm) P alkalinity as calcium carbonate.
Multiply T reading by 50. Record as ppm T
alkalinity as calcium carbonate. For 14.6 mL
sample, multiply P reading by 5. Record as parts
per million (ppm) P alkalinity as calcium
carbonate. Multiply T reading by 5. Record as ppm
T alkalinity as calcium carbonate.
DROP TEST TOTAL HARDNESS (1 drop = 10 ppm)
1 x 5202 Instruction
1 x 9198B Sample Tube, Graduated, 25 mL, plastic w/cap
and blue dot
1 x R-0619B-C Hardness Buffer (blue cap), 2 oz, DB
1 x R-0620B-I Hardness Indicator Powder (blue cap), 10 g
1 x R-0683-C Hardness Reagent, 2 oz, DB.
1. Rinse and fill 25 mL sample tube (#9198B) to 25 mL
mark with water to be tested.
NOTE: For results in grains per gallon (gpg), fill to
14.6 mL mark.
2. Add 5 drops R-0619B Hardness Buffer. Swirl to mix.
3. Add 1 dipper R-0620B Hardness Indicator Powder.
Swirl until dissolved. If hardness is present,
sample will turn red.
4. Add R-0683 Hardness Reagent dropwise, swirling and
counting after each drop, until color changes from
red to blue. Always hold bottle in vertical
5. Multiply drops of R-0683 Hardness Reagent by 10.
Record as parts per million (ppm) total hardness as
calcium carbonate.
NOTE: For 14.6 mL sample, record drops as grains per
gallon (gpg) total hardness as calcium carbonate.
1. Rinse and fill 5 mL test cell (#9017) to 5 mL mark with
water to be tested.
2. Add 5 drops R-1003U Long Range Indicator. Cap and mix.
3. Lay test cell flat along white area of Color Card (#5425).
Match color in test cell with a color standard. Record
as pH units.
February 24, 2025 by Anonymous C. (IN, United States)
Company Choice
Price was better than anyone else's
February 23, 2025 by Anonymous C. (MD, United States)
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Great service!
February 21, 2025 by Anonymous C. (GA, United States)
Company Choice
they had what i needed
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