Premixed Inhibited Propylene Glycol
What is Premixed Inhibited Propylene Glycol? ChemWorld Premixed Inhibited Propylene Glycol already diluted to a specific solution. Add directly to your system. It is intended for water systems that require corrosion protection. It is design for antifreeze or boiler applications and will provide freeze protection and corrosion protect against iron, aluminum, and bronze metals. Chemworld also sells pails and 55 gallon
drums of concentrated Propylene Glycol.
Where can I buy Propylene Glycol? Anyone can order online, we typically ship within 24 hours or the same day if you order by noon EST.
Can anyone order Propylene Glycol? There are no restriction on whom can order Propylene Glycol. We sell to all end users and into all applications. No order too small. Order today!
How should I buy Propylene Glycol? We always suggest purchasing Propylene Glycol in concentrated form. It is the most economical way of purchasing Propylene Glycol. Premixed solutions are available below.