Boiler Scale Cleanup
If you have a steam boiler and require clean up of your boiler scale (calcium, not silica), you have two choices on cleaning it up. The first is cleaning the boiler with an inhibited sulfamic acid solution. This is accomplished when the boiler is down and you are capable of recycling the sulfamic solution within the boiler. The second is using an acidic polymer that gradually cleans/dissolves the existing boiler scale during operation. If you think you have silica problems, check your boiler water silica levels with a
silica test kit.
The first thing before you waste any money on cleaning your boiler, you must identify why the scaling occurred. If you do not have a good operating softener system, purchase one. A softener is easily justified if you are developing scale within your boiler just on energy savings alone. A hardness test can verify the performance of your softener system.
For offline boiler cleaning, ChemWorld Q-CID-SL is an inhibited sulfamic acid that is designed to remove boiler scale. The attached link has the directions on how to clean your boiler with sulfuric acid.
For online cleaning, first fix your softener or install a new softener. If you do not stop more hardness from entering the boiler, the chemical will not work at dissolving boiler scale. Boiler chemicals are designed to catch small amounts of hardness and release them through bottom or surface blowdowns.
ChemWorld 1466 is an acidic polymer designed for gradual removal of boiler scale. This product is used with a 2 or 3 drum program. If you require an all in one boiler chemical, ChemWorld 1466 is ideal for gradual removal of boiler scale.
Feed both chemicals at twice your normal rate. These chemicals are designed for gradual removal of your boiler scale. Do not grossly overfeed these chemicals. Grossly over feeding the chemical may result of the polymer precipitating out on the highest heat flux area in your boiler system (piping). Again, if you do not fix your softener or install a softener, do not waste your money on purchasing chemicals. It will not solve your problem.